The Humanist Ceremonies Handbook
All You Need to Know About Humanist Ceremonies,
In One Place
“By the power vested in me by virtue of being a seasoned humanist celebrant, I hereby pronounce Autumn Reinhardt-Simpson’s book, The Humanist Ceremonies Handbook, an invaluable resource for anyone interested in secular celebrations of life. Full of valuable information, wise insight, and useful examples of ceremonies, this book covers all you need to know. It includes the meaning of humanism, how to craft a powerful and memorable celebration, the business of being a celebrant, and much much more. Whether you want to do one ceremony for a friend, make a business of being a celebrant, or just know more about how to celebrate life without religious ritual or deference to supernaturalism, this book is an absolutely essential and incredibly comprehensive resource.”
— Joshua Lewis Berg, humanist celebrant
“The Humanist Ceremonies Handbook is the perfect primer for those interested in serving as a humanist celebrant, while also providing a well of practical and inspirational material for the experienced celebrant. Autumn Reinhardt-Simpson writes in a warm, accessible, and comprehensive style that makes the reader feel welcome, inviting and encouraging us all to explore the many ways we can be effective and resourceful celebrants, chaplains, and leaders to the growing number of our fellow humans who crave ceremonies that align with their genuine beliefs (or non-belief!).”
— Bob Diven, humanist celebrant
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