The Best of the Humanist: Humanist Philosophy Essays 1928-1973
A collection of notable essays on humanist philosophy from the first 45 years of The Humanist magazine.
Edited by Charles Murn
“This exhilarating collection charts modern humanism’s coming of age through the ever-changing lenses of philosophy, psychology, science, and social and political thought. This is required reading for anyone who, with Corliss Lamont, aspires to ‘joyous service for the greater good of all humanity.’”
—Frank X. Ryan, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Kent State University
“This collection of humanist thinking, beautifully sorted and contextualized by Charles Murn, leads us through some of the best ethical thinking of the past century. Long before philosophy departments carved out a place for ‘applied ethics,’ humanist philosophers were considering how to apply philosophical ideas to specific societal problems. Though the authors in Best of the Humanist are almost all white men, their self-critical struggle to come to terms with the human condition—in the broadest terms possible—helps bend the arc of history towards justice.”
—Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, author, Humanist of the Year in 2011
“Modern humanist philosophy is heady stuff: potent and prescriptive, foundational yet evolutionary, and altogether relevant to understanding who we are and how humanity is best served. In this essay collection, Charles Murn breathes new life into myriad voices and strains of thought from the early decades of the Humanist magazine—a must for any humanist interested in enhancing and legitimizing their worldview.”
—Jennifer Bardi, Humanist Editor in Chief
“Humanism evolves—something expected by the nature of the humanist philosophy itself. In this well-selected collection of historic articles, that evolution stands profoundly revealed, not only in what has changed but in what has remained steadfast and consistent through the decades. If you would understand the humanist tradition, this book is indispensable.”
—Fred Edwords, Historian, American Humanist Association
“The Best of The Humanist is a terrific journey into the roots of modern humanist philosophy. It’s a treat to hear from foundational philosophers, psychologists and others whose thinking grounds today’s humanist agendas. And it’s fascinating to see how core humanist values and principles led to enlightened positions on issues of the day as well as calls for activism.”
—Roy Speckhardt, Executive Director, American Humanist Association
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